Uncover YOU is a brand new speaker series that aims to peel away expectations to reveal the real you.
We're creating a safe and fun space to learn, discuss REAL bodies and ask REAL questions. We're creating CONNECTION between you and your body!
February 19th, 2017 from 2pm-4pm in Port Moody, BC
Core Confidence with Kim
Join us from 2pm to 4pm at the Sugaring Change -Port Moody studio located at unit 3 - 3130 St. John's Street. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
Only 10 seats will be available for this intimate session with The Fitness Doula, Kim Vopni! Come to learn how to reconnect with your sexuality post baby.
We'll be going through female anatomy, discussing what sex is like post partum, learning how NOT to pee when we sneeze and there'll be plenty of time to dive into your specific questions.
Kim Vopni is a self professed pelvic floor evangelist. She is a certified fitness professional who became passionate about spreading information on pelvic health when she was pregnant with her first child. She is the author of 2 books – Prepare to Push – What Your Pelvic Floor and Abdomen Want You To Know About Pregnancy and Birth which launched in 2015 and a second title Your Pelvic Floor – The Inside Story – launching in early 2017. Kim is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc and co-founder of Bellies Inc. She is also the founder of Kegels and Cocktails™ - a women’s health event designed to empower and educate women on the importance of pelvic health.
You can find her on-line at www.pelviennewellness.com and www.belliesinc.com on facebook @PelvienneWellness and @BelliesInc, and on twitter and Instagram @fitnessdoula
March 19th. 2017 from 2pm-4pm in Port Moody, BC
No Body Shame in the Bedroom with Joyelle
Join us from 2pm to 4pm at the Sugaring Change -Port Moody studio located at unit 3 - 3130 St. John's Street. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
We'll have an honest and sometimes hilarious talk about how body shame gets in the way of our connection with our partners, and do some playful exercises to help us let go so we can kick body shame to the curb!
Joyelle is an author/illustrator who writes books for parents and kids that teach kindness and radical self love. She is a strong advocate for body positivity and healing from abuse trauma. Joyelle was recently published in the Chicken Soup for the Soul anthology Curvy & Confident.
You can find Joyelle online at www.joyellebrandt.com and on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
April 9, 2017 from 2pm-4pm in Port Moody, BC
Cultivating Conscious Intimacy with Roxanna
We'll have a conversation about what it really means to be intentional with connecting to yourself and partner, and how to make cultivating conscious intimacy a lifelong practice. You'll leave with fun take-home exercises and great starting points for deeper exploration.
Roxanna has been practicing the sacred art of Tantra since 2002, along side mothering three children and working at an IBCLC. Through her business A Conscious Beginning, she loves working with new families to support the process of informed decision making around breastfeeding. You can find her online at www.aconsciousbeginning.com and on facebook at www. facebook.com/aconsciousbeginning
May 7th, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm in Port Moody, BC
Journeying toward self love and body positivity with Chelsey Lauren
More to come!
June 25th, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm in Port Moody, BC
More information coming soon...
---Break for the Summer---
September, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm in Port Moody, BC
More information coming soon...
October, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm in Port Moody, BC
More information coming soon...