February Uncover YOU with Kim Vopni in PORT MOODY
February Uncover YOU with Kim Vopni in PORT MOODY
February 19th, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm
Only 10 seats will be available for this intimate in-studio session with Kim Vopni, the fitness doula.
Come learn how to reconnect with your sexuality post baby. We'll be going through female anatomy, discussing what sex is like post partum, learning how NOT to pee when we sneeze and there'll be plenty of time to dive into your specific questions.
Kim Vopni is a self professed pelvic floor evangelist. She is a certified fitness professional who became passionate about spreading information on pelvic health when she was pregnant with her first child.
She is the author of 2 books – Prepare to Push – What Your Pelvic Floor and Abdomen Want You To Know About Pregnancy and Birth which launched in 2015 and a second title Your Pelvic Floor – The Inside Story – launching in early 2017. Kim is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc and co-founder of Bellies Inc. She is also the founder of Kegels and Cocktails™ - a women’s health event designed to empower and educate women on the importance of pelvic health.
You can find her on-line at www.pelviennewellness.com and www.belliesinc.com on facebook @PelvienneWellness and @BelliesInc, and on twitter and Instagram @fitnessdoula